What do we do? I don't know! (Nani suru? Shiranaiyo!) In this days of isolation all of us found difficult to find activities to do, while staying at home for such a long time. In our lifetime we have never been so free and so oppresed at the same time. This is what happen when we let our kids creativity take over! Dance with us, followers of The Church Of Rhythm!!!
In immobility, one's soul being tore apart by the monsters of the “I should be doing something” and “I don’t want do anything”. A battle enacted in a continuous mental monologue of inaction and guilt, of paralysis. A continuous hunt for strategies to be... and to appear legitimate in what we do... to fail, to pray and finally rest... again!
Lyrics: In space, in between
In space, in between Stays the smell of this holy math In my sight just a blank In the moment I forget my path
And I pray and I rest
In space, in between
In no time the voices sung This equation we all feel divine Between time I found the gap To kill these monsters we are fear alive