Saturday, 13 March 2021

Heute (Music Video) - Album "Onixland"

This song is about Heute! 

Heute habe ich gegessen ein teil von deinem Herz das war schon abwesend.
Heute habe ich plötzlich realisiert dass du warst kein Freund von mir. Heute. Heute.

Heute habe ich gegessen ein teil von deinem Herz das war schon abwesend.
Heute habe ich plötzlich realisiert dass du warst kein schön von mir.

Heute. Heute. Heute. Heute. Heute.

Y ya no va parar en el encuentro
que no tengo ni que hacer el momento
Pero tu estas a mi lado
Y si no tengo cuenta en el momento
Y si no tengo dinero no encuentro
porque yo sé lo tu quieres: querer

Heute habe ich plötzlich realisiert dass du warst kein Freund von mir.

Heute tu me has salvado...ahhh Abwesend, anwesend gewesen

Dass du warst kein freund von mir

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Pearls Of Clay (Official Visualizer) - Album "Onixland"

When we will look back, there they will be
As perishable as everything 
What we lay, what we plant, what we sing
A song about how present intentions become a future me
Thanks for keeping up with us 
And eventually to wear them proudly
A small pearl of love
What we now need so timely

Follow us!!!

And I believe everything now
all those things you are bragging about
But I care less and less
Let them free and come out to play with repent

But I, should I find a tale
Will I, I might win instead
Feels like….

And I believe anything now
A fine blind face you call yourself now
But we lay pearls of clay
I can see them now reclaiming their fate

But I, should I find a tale
Will I, I might win instead
Feels like I can be a paint
Will I, Should I be colourless

Saturday, 9 January 2021

White Truck (Music Video) - Album "Onixland"

La ruta, hilo conductor entre espacios emocionales y tiempo(s)
entre hitos de ser y aquello que derrama el cielo
entre truenos, relámpagos, amores juveniles y un riachuelo

La ruta; los ojos al frente mirando el pasado
Por aquello que fue solo un momento
por la eternidad en la que se baña un sentimiento

Onix y Ros, la ruta y la búsqueda,
Veranos y otoños, la lluvia y el fuego

White truck! I gotta make some room
Eyes in front until I hit the dunes
Turning left there is no sign of you
A Sunday void a sanctuary of moods

And in the horizons there are cracking thunders
I jump in the water in elusive
she stays in the pool and I am looking under her
The clicking of falling drops brings the warmest rain

White truck! and I arrive at noon
I smell the humid grass, I drink one in two
Light head, and our skin is red
A touch of darkness to a fire lead

And in the horizons there are cracking thunders
I jump in the feeling this should be forever meant
We stay for a minute holding hands as summer sets
The clicking of falling drops brings us the warmest rain

Drive mode, a red line, a passing road, a borrowed peak of life
Fast lane, your name is back, a counter-clock: I guess we miss the lag

And in the horizons there are cracking thunders
I jump in the water in elusive
We stay for a minute holding hands as summer sets
The clicking of falling drops brings us the warmest rain