Saturday, 27 April 2019

Back from the Grave - “F(r)âme(s)” Album

In the shadows of one own life, in the anonymity of being just one gear in a huge machine, how do we break through? is our day to day life offering the context for the scenarisation of a cathartic other, one that can scare, dance, conjure, cast a spell, and transform us in a shamanistic presence that can be reborn when visited, that can live again when taking out of the deepness of our soul. A soul, when is not moved becomes a cold grave.

I don’t remember anything
You’re ruining it
I’m not sharing what I saw

From light to shadow
I’m looking out of a hole
I’m crawling out of the ground

Prepare yourself
Everybody is sleeping??
I hear someone laughing far
Give me a pen
Let’s change this song

I’m coming back from the grave

 I’m done with the run

You don’t remember anything
I’m ruining it
I’m not telling what I saw

I don’t remember anything
You’re ruining it
Let’s change this song 

Creative Commons License

Sunday, 21 April 2019

My Own Discomfort - “F(r)âme(s)” Album

 When reality, even the one that you have helped to create is too oppressive; a flight - reflex is triggered, one that is going up, up, up, skyhigh!

I float away
From the things that do good to me
I moved away
From her mood and my challenges

And it is long ago...

I stayed on place
In my own discomfort
I lean afraid
Looking straight into my shadow

And I tried hard enough
But I haven’t said it all...

When I see my hopes and my real life they don't fit at all
I sense the pain I cause when I have you all by my side
And when I still recover and a little sober I always realise
I just want to go up up up

Silence remains the only way out

Creative Commons License

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Try Cry Not [the Truth] - “F(r)âme(s)” Album

How different and how equal are we really? The answer is, depends on what you believe, in what you consider the fundamental truth of your life and this will guide all your actions and your consideration of what the human species is.

In a way I feel the same
In a way we think the same (in a)
In a way we had to take
We just like to make our own fools

In a grain we see the same
In a far world there is no escape (in a)
In a word of emptiness
We will only live from our truth

Your truth
We will only live there

Creative Commons License

Saturday, 6 April 2019

“F(r)âme(s)” Album - THE QUEST

EFF, as said in the precedent post introducing Hi! Pulpo album, are “a generation with no identitarian struggle or in need of a political recognition but rather, a forgotten part of society that is struggling with its own levels of comfort” Still for the band member it is impossible to distant themselves from how global reality is represented and how these same dynamics set structural limits that can only be trespassed by art production. 

And this global reality, this general frames are: identity politics and the subjective adaptation to market capitalism; it is the conviction that we ARE through the identification of a body of knowledge, values, practices etc. This “whole” concede us our individual sense in the world and set us apart to the ones that would like to end this holy order that make us “the people”;

Whether it is familiar, religious, ethnic, sexual, political, gender, alimentary and/or national appartenance, these movements create binary, partial and reactionary ways of conceiving one's role in society. And all this having as a background a regent systemic order of how we should be fitting in the world; which depends on how productive, focused, connected, successful no matter what, no matter how, we have to be

In this schizophrenia of ideological regimes, time use and self construction EFF Music Experience identifies what we are supposed to be as a day to day drama build around us and within ourselves, even transposing such drama as a normality, as this indefinite quest for sense, as pillar of our contemporary world.

They regard this and produce 10 pieces under the name of F(r)ame(s). The fundamental assumption and leading concept of the album is that our painful quest for sense is the result of the lack of transcendence and meaning and the continuous push to be someone rather limited, without contradictions, useful, and well adapted you can add all other adjectives in a job application… stress resistant and the likes… we are longing for and made of frames.

Cheers, Abelardo

Thursday, 4 April 2019

“F(r)âme(s)” Album - INTRO




EFF is striping down the world created by words to recreate the multi meaning characteristic of everything.

EFF is taking down the parenthesis or the overused quotations marks that convey relativity as a frame of meaning, to put themselves in the quest for the essential, for the Âme of everything. And they try to answer fundamental questions:

What are we?
What are we individually?
and how how do we articulate socially and mentally in the collective? ...
Is there a real conscious construction of the self or we just take what it is available and we fit in, we find the best middle ground between what we think we are and the dominant dynamics of our society?

And this would be: a mishmash of odd and old (revisited) moral values with capitalistic productivity and online persona construction… and maybe a strong conviction that you have to build where you belong to, because the world, as it is experienced today, it is just succession of ideological trenches and the subjectivity; is lived as a battle between normative narratives and strong feeling of wanting to be free, whatever that means.

The third¹ album of EFF tries to unveil these dynamics in 11 acts. 

Cheers, Abelardo 

¹ their second entirely online album, their first is just a rare edition where only around 10 hard copies were published.