Thursday, 4 April 2019

“F(r)âme(s)” Album - INTRO




EFF is striping down the world created by words to recreate the multi meaning characteristic of everything.

EFF is taking down the parenthesis or the overused quotations marks that convey relativity as a frame of meaning, to put themselves in the quest for the essential, for the Âme of everything. And they try to answer fundamental questions:

What are we?
What are we individually?
and how how do we articulate socially and mentally in the collective? ...
Is there a real conscious construction of the self or we just take what it is available and we fit in, we find the best middle ground between what we think we are and the dominant dynamics of our society?

And this would be: a mishmash of odd and old (revisited) moral values with capitalistic productivity and online persona construction… and maybe a strong conviction that you have to build where you belong to, because the world, as it is experienced today, it is just succession of ideological trenches and the subjectivity; is lived as a battle between normative narratives and strong feeling of wanting to be free, whatever that means.

The third¹ album of EFF tries to unveil these dynamics in 11 acts. 

Cheers, Abelardo 

¹ their second entirely online album, their first is just a rare edition where only around 10 hard copies were published.

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