Saturday, 6 April 2019

“F(r)âme(s)” Album - THE QUEST

EFF, as said in the precedent post introducing Hi! Pulpo album, are “a generation with no identitarian struggle or in need of a political recognition but rather, a forgotten part of society that is struggling with its own levels of comfort” Still for the band member it is impossible to distant themselves from how global reality is represented and how these same dynamics set structural limits that can only be trespassed by art production. 

And this global reality, this general frames are: identity politics and the subjective adaptation to market capitalism; it is the conviction that we ARE through the identification of a body of knowledge, values, practices etc. This “whole” concede us our individual sense in the world and set us apart to the ones that would like to end this holy order that make us “the people”;

Whether it is familiar, religious, ethnic, sexual, political, gender, alimentary and/or national appartenance, these movements create binary, partial and reactionary ways of conceiving one's role in society. And all this having as a background a regent systemic order of how we should be fitting in the world; which depends on how productive, focused, connected, successful no matter what, no matter how, we have to be

In this schizophrenia of ideological regimes, time use and self construction EFF Music Experience identifies what we are supposed to be as a day to day drama build around us and within ourselves, even transposing such drama as a normality, as this indefinite quest for sense, as pillar of our contemporary world.

They regard this and produce 10 pieces under the name of F(r)ame(s). The fundamental assumption and leading concept of the album is that our painful quest for sense is the result of the lack of transcendence and meaning and the continuous push to be someone rather limited, without contradictions, useful, and well adapted you can add all other adjectives in a job application… stress resistant and the likes… we are longing for and made of frames.

Cheers, Abelardo

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